Data sources monitored daily by Aptus.AI.
These are the sources we currently monitor based on our customers’ regulatory requirements.
Contact us to evaluate the addition of new institutions/sources.
- Italian sources
- ABF - Arbitro Bancario Finanziario
- ACF Consob - Arbitro per le controversie finanziarie
- AGCM - Autorità garante della concorrenza e del mercato
- Agenzia delle Entrate
- Banca d’Italia
- CONSOB - Commissione nazionale società e borsa
- COVIP - Commissione vigilanza sui fondi pensioni
- Garante Privacy
- Gazzetta Ufficiale
- IVASS - Istituto per la vigilanza sulle assicurazioni
- MEF - Ministero dell’economia e delle finanze
- MIMIT - Ministero delle imprese e del Made in Italy
- OAM - Organismo agenti e mediatori
- OIC - Organismo Italiano di Contabilità
- UIF - Unità di Informazione Finanziaria per l’Italia
- Euronext Growth Milan - Borsa Italiana
- European Union sources
- Banca centrale europea
- Commissione Europea
- EBA - European Banking Authority
- EDPB - European Data Protection Board
- EFAMA - European Fund and Asset Management Association
- EIOPA - European Insurance and Occupational Pensions Authority
- ENISA - European Network and Information Security Agency
- ESMA - European Securities and Markets Authority
- Eur-Lex
- OSCE – Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe
- International legal sources
- FATF – GAFI (Financial Action Task Force | Gruppo di Azione Finanziaria Internazionale)
- IOSCO - International Organization of Securities Commissions
- OECD – Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development
- IBFed - International Banking Federation
- BIS - Bank for International Settlements
- IASB - International Accounting Standards Board
- IMF – International Monetary Fund
- FSB - Financial Stability Board
- GPA - Global Privacy Assembly
- US sources
- FINCEN - Financial Crimes Enforcement Network
- OFAC - Office of Foreign Assets Control
- CFTC – Commodity Futures Trading Commission
- IRS - Internal Revenue Service
- NYDFS – New York State Department of Financial Services
- SEC - U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission
- FINRA – Financial Industry Regulatory
- FED - Federal Reserve System
- NFA – National futures Association
- Luxembourg sources
- Commission de Surveillance du Secteur Financier (CSSF)
- Luxembourg National Official Gazette
- Administration de l'Enregistrement, des Domaines et de la TVA (AED)
- Association Luxembourgeoise des Fonds d'Investissement (ALFI)
- Autorité des marchés financiers (AMF)
- Commission nationale pour la protection des données (CNPD)
- UK Legal sources
- FCA - Financial Conduct Authority
- PRA - Prudential Regulation Authority
- Hong Kong sources
- HKMA – Autorità monetaria di Hong Kong
- Singapore sources
- MAS – Autorità Monetaria di Singapore
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